We hope you’re all staying safe and practicing your social distancing. During this time of global strife, we are very pleased to share the news that California considers the Cannabis Industry to be an essential public service.
According to a recent Press Release from the Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) “The order identifies certain services as essential, including food, prescriptions, and healthcare. These services can continue despite the stay at home order. Because cannabis is an essential medicine for many residents, licensees may continue to operate at this time so long as their operations comply with local rules and regulations.
“Any licensee that continues to operate must adopt social distancing and anti-congregating measures and must follow the CDC’s Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease at all times.”
Without downplaying the hazards of this pandemic, we would be remiss if we didn’t point out the opportunities that it may bring to investors in these trying times. For example, with the Fed lowering interest rates – now is the perfect time to invest in real estate and equipment holdings and lock in higher returns. Additionally, the recent Wall Street crashes have destabilized the Stock Market, making private investment a more stable and less volatile option.
While we’re all stuck at home keeping each other safe from the virus, please consider investing in ECHC as a viable alternative to public stock trading. Check out our Pitch Deck and other information on our website (http://emeraldcoastholding.com) and contact us if you have any questions.